And the indecision sets in...


So, when I thought my dog might be on death's doorstop (chemo is working, so he has at least 6 months and not the 4 weeks I had feared), I wasn't even sure I was going to do NaNo.

Then, as I began to accept the diagnosis, I decided that I was feeling up to participating in NaNo - but I only wanted to write about Chance. Hence, the interrelated stories about Chance the Wonder Dog.

But, as time goes on, I like that idea less and less. I am just not sure that I can write 50K words about the adventures of a dog, as much as I love dogs. I was even thinking of giving him super powers to make it interesting, but that genre really doesn't "call" to me. Actually, it sorta repels me, truth be told.

And, since Chance has completely responded to chemo and he is his old self, it feels like everything is normal. I look at him and I am finding it very hard to believe that he is sick. Everything is so completely normal (except for the regular vet visits) that I can't believe that he isn't going to live another 8 years. And since it doesn't feel real, writing a tribute story is less important to me - especially one that was in uncomfortable writing territory for me anyway. Does that make me a bad mommy?

But anyway, that brings me to my dilemma. What the heck am I going to write about now?



Are Cassie, Katie and Kellen still talking about starring in your story? Maybe they're not kids, maybe they're adults, dealing with the humdrums of life, and something happens so they all end up at their childhood home and have to deal with a lot of unresolved issues from the past... (no, I have no idea where that thought came from!)

Well, Cassie is my lead, I am pretty sure about that. And, Katie and Kellen have not told me much about themselves. I honestly felt the most comfortable with Katie as Cassie's twin and Kellen as their little brother if and only if they were kids. But, if Cassie is to be an adult (as I am 90% sure she is), I don't feel comfortable having Katie and Kellen as Cassie's sibs. But I know that Kellen is NOT a love interest for Cassie. ARGH! It's so frustrating. And yet it shouldn't be because last year I did NO preparation and only started writing when Darci jumped into my head on Nov. 2.

But, you know, TMTA, because when I first thought of my "Serendipity" idea - it was about Cassie returning to her hometown and realizing some things about herself. So, it's funny you mention characters returning to their childhood home!

Thanks for the thought - you've reinforced what I was originally thinking and made me think maybe I have something here! :)

Or, maybe I SHOULD just stop listening to the voices in my head! :)

Maybe Kellen could be a cousin. Or a best bud. Or a brother-in-law. Or a colleague. Or a former classmate. Just throwing more thoughts out there! :) Cassie doesn't *need* a love interest, does she?

I have NO CLUE if Cassie is going to have a love interest or not. I just know if she does - it's not Kellen! I've been tossing the idea around of making him her best bud. I just hope they decide to tell me their story once Nov. 1 comes!!!!

And I hope you do NaNo, too! *come to the dark side* :)

Hi :)

I just followed the link in your NaNo profile which I clicked on because I was an avid X-Phile. lol

Anyway, what if Cassie is a young mom returning to her hometown and Kellen and Katie are her children, fraternal twins? Or perhaps the two kids who now live in what used to be Cassie's childhood home?

Oh, and you were wondering about a title. If you don't want to write the dog adventures, what if you used your dog's name in the title of your story as a "hidden" tribute type thing. Like.... *thinks*
"A Chance for Cassie"
"A Chance at Love"
"Cassie's Chance"
There's a song called "Let Me Fall" (google it under Josh Groban lyrics) that has the line "There's no reason to miss this one chance, this perfect moment, just let me fall." It's a great theme song for someone searching for her purpose or a Meaning To It All. You could title it "This One Chance." get the idea. :) Sorry if I annoyed you, but I just had some thoughts as I was reading your entries. lol

Sara! I love to meet fellow X-Philes! :) And, my dog's full name is Chancellor (as in the German Chancellor because Chance is a schnauzer) Piper Maru. :)

I hadn't thought of using Chance's name in the title, but I like that idea1 I'll see if I cna make that work - thanks so much for the suggestion!

And, no, you didn't annoy me - I love hearing suggestions!

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Camp NaNoWriMo Founding Donor


2011 Participant

2011 Municipal Liaison
NaNoName: pipermaru
Also known as: Dana

2011 NaNo Novel:
Who knows?


Download Erik Benson's NaNo Report Card in .xls format
Updated for 2011 by Dana

Past NaNovels

2010 Winner
Untitled Supernatural Mystery
Final Word Count: 52,769

2009 Winner
Gethsemane Redux
Final Word Count: 52,256

2008 Winner
Circle of Six
Final Word Count: 63,211

2007 Winner
Basic Chemistry
Final Word Count: 56,093

2006 Winner
Trixie Belden and the Mystery at Turtle Cove
Final Word Count: 50,773

2005 Winner
Final Word Count: 50,724

2004 Winner
Beneath the Surface
Final Word Count: 51,021

2003 Winner
House of Cards
Final Word Count: 63,789