March 15, 2004
Going on hiatus. I am taking a much-needed break from the internet. Although the website will remain up on the web, there will be no more updates or email correspondence until I return. I do not know when that will be, but I hope it will not be long. Thanks for your patience. -Dana
Continued W3C standards updates on 11 pages so that viewing of the website is the same across all browsers and monitor resolutions. The website is still not 100% W3C standards compliant, but all pages should now be standard. The change from tables to CSS stylesheets to be 100% compliant will come at a later date.
Changed email address throughout site and added a Javascript technique to prevent spambots from obtaining my email address from my website.
Added separate link to Homages on Author Page. Not only are they more easily accessible, but they fill the void where the One Hundred Things link was.
Deleted 100 Things About Me section of website. I no longer want that much personal information up for public consumption.
March 11, 2004
All Photo Album pages passworded. Username: The color of what Jim gave Trixie in Iowa; Password: The item Jim gave Trixie in Iowa. Hotlinking protection also enabled.
March 10, 2004
Working on W3C Standards: Updated all Photo Album pages, Text and Website Resources pages, and all main index pages in an effort to have my site be viewed equally across all browsers and resolutions. Created "Jixemitri Member Site" icon to match website theme.
March 09, 2004
"Three Spartans": New page in Alexandria's section of the Photo Album.
March 08, 2004
Working on W3C Web Standards compliancy: Trying to make my site look the same no matter what monitor resolution and browser version. Changed the graphics on my three fanfic main pages (Sapphire Days index, First Impressions index, and The Un-Universe index), as well as my BadFic story. More to come!
March 07, 2004
Reorganized Trixie Camp Coordinator pages. Deleted the original 2002 Trixie Camp information pages I was saving for posterity, as well as the Trixie Camp Memory Book information page. The four pages were replaced with one sleeker page that still contains the same information (and my graphics, natch!).
Updated lefthanded border background graphics on appropriate pages so that people with resolutions over 1024x768 do not get repeating images on right-hand side of screen.